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Your Account Manager has tailored iCloudFIS to your needs by pre-loading the users, inspections, checklists, and schedules you defined in the “Getting Started” spreadsheet. You can use the Customer Administration Portal to update this information on your own at admin.CloudFIS.net.

A. Creating New Users

In the Customer Administration Portal, click Users in the top navigation bar.

You will see columns for Groups, Users, and Roles with buttons to add new.

Click Add User and enter the employee’s details.

Select Admin User if you wish to grant this user access to make changes to your organization, add or remove other users, and view all information company-wide. Only check this box for employees with the authorization to do so.

Supervised users’ work must be reviewed and approved by an Administrator.

Quick Order allows the user to assign and solve Work Orders without Administrator approval. This is appropriate for an employee with authority or autonomy over facilities.

When you click Save, the user will receive login credentials at the email address you provided.

Select the Group in the left column that you will assign the User to.

Click the circle of the User’s profile or placeholder image in the center column.

Click Assign at the bottom of the page.

Assign the User to a Role the same way — select the User name in the middle column, then click the circle next to the Role in the right column, and click Assign at the bottom of the page.

After a User is assigned to a Group and a Role, they can be assigned a Task.

Click Inspections in the top navigation.

Hover over an Inspection to reveal a View Assignments link. Clicking this displays Tasks.

Click on the Site, Building, and Floor options at the top of the page to specify where this User’s Tasks will occur. 

Click the desired Inspection Point to drop down a selection circle.

Check the circle and choose Assign next to the User’s name on the right.

You can also Un-Assign users here.

B. Creating Areas-of-Inspection

Click Location in the top navigation to display columns for Sites, Buildings, and Floors; click through these options to define where your new area-of-inspection will be located.

Hover over your Floor selection to see a View Areas of Inspection link. Click to display a floor plan with existing Areas-of-Inspection.

The AOI Library on your right contains Area-of-Inspection Templates with pre-set Checklists.

Drag and drop a Template onto your floor plan to deploy a New Area-of-Inspection.

Give the New AOI a unique, identifiable name and add option description or corresponding barcode if applicable.

If your AOI Library doesn’t already contain an Area-of-Inspection template that matches your needs, create one by clicking Add AOI Type to the Library.

Give it a unique name and select its marker’s color on your floor plan.

Select the Checklists for this Area-of-Inspection. You can choose up to seven, but need at least one.

If the Area-of-Inspection requires a new checklist, you need to create that checklist before making the Area-of-Inspection.

When your new Area-of-Inspection is created, drag it from the AOI Library to the floor plan to deploy.

C. Updating Checklists

Click the Checklists in the top navigation to display three columns – Checklists, Items-to-Inspect, and Status List.

You can assign Items to Inspect to Checklists by clicking on a Checklist in the leftmost column, then choosing one of the Items to Inspect in the middle, and the appropriate Status List on the right.

Click Assign at the bottom of the page to connect them.

To create a new Checklist, click Add Checklist at the bottom of the Checklists column.

Give it a unique, identifiable name and select the Role that will be assigned to it.

Click on your new Checklist in the leftmost column and click Create Item on the right to add items to inspect.

In the box that pops up, give the item a unique name and supporting information.

You can add a photo or attach documents, such as reference images, instructions, or warranty information that might be helpful to inspectors.

After creating the new item, assign an existing Status List or create a new one in the right column.

These are the status choices your inspector will be given when performing an inspection, such as passed, failed, or needs attention.

If your inspection requires a custom Status List, create with the Add Status List button.

On the right side you can add your default status buttons, or create a new one by clicking Add Status Typenaming it, associating it with an existing status like passed or failed, and assigning it a custom icon.

This may be helpful if the standard pass / fail doesn’t apply, and you need something like yes / no, open / closed, or on / off.

On the left side of the Add Status List window you can choose Interval to setup statuses for items that require measurements to stay within certain limits. For example, the operating temperature range of equipment, or water usage could be set here.

You can update existing Checklists and Items to Inspect by clicking the circle icon to the left of their name, then choosing Edit at the bottom of the screen.

You can also delete items this way, or duplicate checklists to create a similar instance for customization.

Your default Status Lists cannot be deleted or changed, but any Custom or Interval Status Lists that you have created can be.

D. Scheduling Inspections

Click on the Inspections button in the top navigation to display tabs for Not Started, In Progress, Finished, and All Inspections.

To add a new Inspection, click Add Inspection at the bottom of the page.

Give your Inspection a name, description, and start and end time.

In Inspection Periodicity, designate the frequency of this Inspection cycle — for instance, do you want these tasks performed daily, weekly, monthly, or just once?

Check the box next to Reset all status at the start of each inspection cycle if you want this inspection point to reset at the beginning of each cycle – regardless of status.

Otherwise, inspection points that have a status of Failed or Needs Attention will keep their status even after a new inspection cycle begins and an inspector will need to manually update the status to confirm the issue has been resolved.

Select an Inspection Tag on the right or click Create Tag if you would like to group your Inspections into categories.

Barcode capture is mandatory to inspect each Area of Inspection is useful for inspections that demand maximum accountability; for example, a legally required fire or safety equipment check. You can attach a barcode label to that equipment that an inspector will scan to verify he was physically there at a specific date and time. When you check this box, you make it so the Inspection cannot be completed until the Inspector scans that barcode.

After creating your new Inspection, navigate to the site, building, and floor where you want this Inspection to take place using the drop down selections at the top of the page.

Click on and then select an Area of Inspection where it will occur, then click Assign next to the User you want to carry it out from the left side of your screen.

You can assign this Inspection event to multiple Areas-of-Inspection, users, buildings, and floors, but click Save before you navigate to another floor.

Click Save and Finish to complete the Inspection creation and each user assigned will receive a notification that they have new tasks to perform.

You can edit existing Inspections from the main Inspections page. Just place a check within the Inspection’s circle icon, then click Edit at the bottom of the page.

You can also delete Inspections, or duplicate an Inspection as a starting point for a new customization.