The world famous New York Yankees became a customer of iCloudFIS about a year ago. This state of the art stadium upgraded their manual, pen and paper inspection process to a digital, cloud-based solution using iCloudFIS.
The video below is their comment on our facility inspection software technology.
Video transcript:
[00:00] Lonn Trost, Chief operating Officer: One of the most important thing that attracted us to iCloudFIS was their ability to customise what we needed. We understood that in the stadium as large as this, it was important to have a computerized program that would allow us on an immediate basis to find what’s wrong and try and correct it.
[00:15] Doug Behar, VP, stadium operations: Inspections are different now that we are using iCloudFIS, in that we are much more automated, streamlined, efficient.
[00:24] Lonn Trost, Chief operating Officer: I actually want to know at night, during the day what’s been done, how it’s been done, more importantly, if it’s been done.